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Welcome to your Moceanic Coaching+ Sessions page!

Here you will find your session recordings and any materials shared during the video meeting. To access the PDFs and other materials please use this password: 180320FORESTANDBIRDC+
(Please contact us if any links stop working)

Session 1: Strategic Plan Induction and Timing (Jan, 2021)

Session Presentation

Session 2: STR03 Strategy Session 2 Growth Plans (Feb, 2021)

Session Presentation

Session 3: Growth Giver Overview for Whole F&B Fundraising Team (Apr, 2021)

Session Presentation

Session 4: GG02 Setting Milestones, Target, Audiences and Project Timing (May, 2021)

Session Presentation

Session 5: GG04 and GG05 Survey Planning and Questions (May, 2021)

Session Presentation

Session Presentation

Session 6: GG06 Survey Package (Jun, 2021)

Session Presentation

Session 7: Monthly Giving (Jun, 2021)

Session Presentation

Session 8: Making The Ask on Phone and in Person (Aug, 2021)

Session Presentation